The Laboratory Magazine
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Risk management in the laboratory

Risk management | Laboratory | ISO 17025 | ISO 9001 | Laboratory design | Laboratory chair
Previously, smaller businesses were not required to implement a risk management system, but that is set to change. Now the requirement for a risk-aware approach applies to all quality control/test laboratories that are ISO 17025 accredited, which must therefore also satisfy the requirements of ISO 9001.
Read article02.01.2018
On the path to success with a design expert

Laboratory chair design | material | sustainability | green design
What constitutes successful design? It 's question that is hotly debated. Tastes and individual preferences are just too different when it comes to appealing design. However, the fact that a superbly designed workplace brings many benefits is undisputed. A good example here is the laboratory chair.
Read article21.12.2017
Laboratory 4.0 - an intelligent future for laboratory work

Laboratory 4.0 | laboratory chair | digitalisation | Smartlab
Our working environment is changing, moving away from analogue processes and towards digitalisation. The same applies to laboratory systems. Growth-orientated laboratories in particular are continuously striving to optimise and modernise their structures in order to work more flexibly and more efficiently. This requires state-of-the-art equipment - the Smartlab is coming.
Read article13.09.2017
Disinfectant when cleaning laboratory chairs

Laboratory chair disinfectant | cleaning laboratory chairs
It is not enough to just be clean - the standard of hygiene in laboratories must be uncompromising at all times. This applies for all types of laboratory, from those in pharmaceuticals and chemistry, to biotechnology and healthcare.
Read article11.09.2017
Design in the laboratory: Laboratory chair requirements

Laboratory design | laboratory chair
What constitutes successful design? It 's question that is hotly debated. Tastes and individual preferences are just too different when it comes to appealing design. However, the fact that a superbly designed workplace brings many benefits is undisputed. A good example here is the laboratory chair.
Read article06.09.2017
A question of responsibility - Healthcare laboratories

Healthcare | laboratory chair
If you go to hospital, you are supposed to recover and get well. Unfortunately, the opposite can also happen. Infections caused by hospital bugs are common - in German hospitals too. According to the German Federal Ministry of Health, there are 400,000 to 600,000 of these "nosocomial infections" every year. Around ten percent of these are caused by multi-resistant bacteria - among them, the now notorious MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). An MRSA infection cannot always be treated. Many infections can be treated with antibiotics, yet what was once deemed a miracle solution is now losing its effectiveness due to overuse.
Read article04.09.2017
Standing work in the laboratory, laboratory standing aids

Standing work in the laboratory | laboratory standing aids
Regardless of the field, working in a laboratory often involves standing. The work carried out in a laboratory is seldom static; employees are often required to work at various stations - often several at the same time. Laboratory employees need to be able to move around without restriction. They need to be able to stand up quickly, as well as use concentrated, fine motor skills. At many stations in the laboratory, extended periods of standing are increasingly becoming the norm. Yet protracted standing places a strain on the body.
Read article03.09.2017
Smartlabs and the Laboratory Chair 4.0 - The future of laboratory work

Smartlab | laboratory chair
The work surface is full, notes and work sheets are within reach, the equipment for the next test series has already been set up - and then you realise the one piece of equipment you really need is in another department. Inflexible instruments, restricted space and ageing equipment are part of everyday working life in many laboratories. This often complicates the work processes carried out here, making them cumbersome. At the same time, laboratory processes are becoming increasingly complex.
Read article01.09.2017
ESD in the laboratory - Charges affect laboratory work

Laboratory chair | ESD
Hygiene is a prerequisite and top priority in any laboratory. Whether in pharmaceuticals, bio-technology, chemistry, healthcare or medical technology, a clean working environment is a necessity that goes without saying. This is because there is nowhere else that contamination can cause such damage to research results other than in the laboratory. And it is not only the dust and dirt you can see that cause problems, but also the smallest, invisible contaminants. Something that should not be underestimated when it comes to laboratory hygiene is the aspect of electrostatic charge. This can have an enormous impact on laboratory results. Yet what is the connection here between ESD and the laboratory chair?
Read article25.07.2017
Laboratory market as sales driver

Laboratory market | laboratory chairs
Modern, international and highly dynamic - the laboratory market is probably what we nowadays would describe as "cutting-edge". There is hardly any other work area that is growing faster. Many companies and public institutions have long since seen the way the wind is blowing and have invested in future structures. They are looking to position themselves on a broad and sustained basis in the areas of research, development and education. This trend also opens up prospects of new markets for the chair trade.
Read article24.07.2017
Occupational health and safety in the laboratory

Occupational safety | laboratory chair
Occupational health and safety, regardless of the industry, is a very complex, but therefore all the more important topic for every employer. This is because the legal requirements in this area focus on the health and safety of their most valuable asset, i.e. their employees. Basically all employee activities are affected by these regulations. The laboratory is a workplace with very specific requirements with regard to safety measures and preventative health care. On the one hand, work is carried out in many areas with highly flammable, corrosive or other acutely toxic substances. On the other hand, the nature of typical laboratory work processes also affects the health of employees.
Read article24.07.2017
Fewer risks in the laboratory

Risks | laboratory work
An important foundation for successful and safe lab work is functioning communication processes. These processes should be carefully developed by the responsible individuals, i.e. management or head of the department or unit, and put in place so they are comprehensible for all employees. It makes sense to include the experiences and needs of the staff and not act according to a rigid top-down principle. Only if a process is understood it is supported and practised by all employees. It is therefore important to develop and promote acceptance of the process and mutual understanding. Individuals who perform lab work at their work station with risks for themselves and their environment, should always, for example, inform colleagues working next to them in advance. This is the principle that everyone is responsible for everyone else's safety in the laboratory.
Read article22.07.2017
The optimal laboratory chair for genetic engineering

Genetic engineering | laboratory chair
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is used as the basis for medical diagnostics. In this procedure DNA is exponentially amplified in many duplication steps within a very short space of time. The PCR basically consists of a constantly repeated cycle of three reaction steps. As complex as the biological processes in genetic engineering are, the question of what qualities a suitable laboratory (and thus a laboratory chair) should have is not as difficult.
Read article22.07.2017
The 5S principle in the laboratory

5S principle | laboratory chair
Order is everything - this applies especially in the laboratory. If we want to organise work processes efficiently and make sure that work is done to a high standard, with accurate results, it is worth looking at Asia - and more specifically at the 5S principle. The concept is now extremely popular worldwide in many laboratories, production facilities, and offices. It is a workplace organisation method originating in Japan - or to be more precise, from the Japanese automotive manufacturer Toyota. Its purpose is to increase productivity, quality, and safety at work. The principle of it is a consistent and systematic enforcement of order and cleanliness at the workplace - down to the last detail. This creates a better overview in the workplace and should, for example, reduce wasted time spent looking for work materials. The 5S principle summarises the key aspects of workplace organisation in specific instructions:
Read article18.07.2017
Quality laboratories on a budget

Budget | laboratory chair| government institutions
Whether it is in the education sector, healthcare sector or in research - public institutions operate many laboratories covering diverse fields of work. However, they all have one thing in common: When it comes to fitting them out, public funding is usually limited and savings have to be made wherever possible. Nevertheless, institutions with a tight budget cannot and do not want to fail to equip their laboratories so as to meet the perfect conditions required for optimal research, testing and learning. Let's take the laboratory chair as an example of this quality requirement. Here there are affordable solutions which can meet the demands - But what exactly are the requirements for the public sector when it comes to the modern laboratory chair?
Read article17.07.2017
How laboratory chairs add international character

International character | laboratory chairs
A laboratory is an ideas workshop. Nowhere else you can find so many trends and innovations, so many ideas brought to life than here - and this is happening all over the world. Unlike any other place, the modern laboratory represents the workplace of the future: It is highly developed and perfectly positioned in the context of internationalisation. The laboratory furnishing should also be showcased in a similar fashion. It should be pioneered from a technical point of view, have an outstanding design and be multinationally comprehensible.
Read article13.07.2017
Good laboratory planning is key

Laboratory planning | laboratory chair
Laboratory operators are confronted with diverse and considerable challenges when planning a laboratory. The technical equipment required to achieve top results in the fields of medical technology and genetic engineering through to the pharma laboratories can be summed up in one word: expensive. There is also the problem that highly qualified personnel is not only in great demand on the labour market, but that well-trained employees do not come cheap to companies and state institutions. This makes it all the more important to analyse specific requirements carefully in order to determine the perfect solution for fitting out the laboratory. Moreover, it is not only laboratories in the public sector which are often subjected to increased budget pressure. Private laboratory operators also need to sustain a consistently lean concept - and make sure that all measures taken have ban immediate and a long term effect
Read article02.07.2017
The laboratory chair and its ergonomic features

Laboratory | Ergonomics | laboratory chair
The laboratory is the workplace of progress and advancement. No other area is growing as rapidly and in no other work environment are there so many innovations. At the same time, laboratory operators have begun looking into another vital topic for the future: When fitting out the workplace, they are focussing on ergonomics, when it comes to their laboratory chairs. This protects the health of their valuable personnel and improves work performance by preventing early fatigue. In addition to this, sick leaves caused by wrong posture can be prevented.
Read article01.07.2017
Design increases workplace quality in the laboratory

Workplace quality | laboratory chair | Design
Clean, sterile and fully functional - the laboratory is probably not one of those workplaces we initially associate with excellent design. But this assumption is way off the mark because laboratories are not only cutting edge places when it comes to technology; when fitting out their laboratories, more and more operators are now also placing an emphasis on attractive design in order to improve the quality of the workplace. Good workplace quality motivates employees to perform better and also helps companies acquire sought-after qualified personnel.
Read article01.07.2017
Laboratory chairs and hygiene

Laboratory chair | hygiene
One thing is clear: The most important requirement for working in laboratories is hygiene. This applies not only to the cleanroom area, but also to biotech, the chemical industry, healthcare and medical technology. Due to this, the equipping of laboratories is subject to requirements unlike those of any other industry, as there is almost no other field where the impact of contamination can influence the outcome of its work so drastically. For this reason, contamination must be avoided at all costs. The first objective when designing the ideal laboratory chair is therefore, to create optimal hygienic conditions. But what exactly are the elements of a hygienic design?
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Laboratory planning & Work organisation
Health & Ergonomic
Laboratory market