Fugro and Bimos
Fugro is an engineering company which provides personnel, equipment, expertise and technology to support the exploration, development, production and transportation of natural resources on a global basis. Fugro also provides technical data and information needed to design and build structures and maintain them in a secure, reliable and efficient manner. The photos were taken by Fugro Engineers BV, which specialises in geotechnical soil investigation at sea. When working at the office, the correct environment is important. Since Fugro personnel work both at the office and at sea or on-site all over the world for long periods of time, flexible workstations are used. The chairs must be easy to adapt, according to the user's needs. Bimos chairs fulfill all the users' needs. In addition, the Neon design was a valuable addition to the work place, and simply looks great! The chairs are the perfect answer to the customer's expectations. The staff is happy with the configurations, comfort and adjustability, and the customers and suppliers are impressed every time they walk into the ESD workplace during a tour of the building. 5
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